Considering if a CDP is worth the money?

Then this excercise will make it easier to decide.

1. Start with Your Fanbase

Your fanbase includes all your known contacts, such as email subscribers, app users, and social media followers across various platforms. This is the foundation of your potential revenue.

2. Permission is Key

Not all fans have permitted you to communicate with them. However, increasing the percentage of fans sharing their email addresses can significantly amplify your reach and impact.

3. Focus on Buyers

While not all fans purchase from you, a percentage of them do. Identifying and understanding this group is crucial to maximizing revenue.

4. Fan Value Matters

Determine how much a fan spends on average per year, whether through ticket sales, merchandise, or other revenue streams. This number is key to understanding the value of your audience.

5. The Formula for Success

Use this calculation to estimate your revenue potential:

Fanbase (#) x Email Signups (%) x Conversion Rate to Buy (%) x Average Fan Value ($) = Estimated Revenue Potential